Awash, Semien and Bale Mountains NP - 14 Days

Gondar/Lalibela /semien Mountains/ Addis Ababa/Rift valley, Awashi & Bale Mountains National parks

On this multi-themed safari, emphasizing natural history with strong measures of geology, archaeology and culture, you will observe much of the wildlife unique to the Rift Valley and northern Africa. The great natural and ecological diversity of Ethiopia from regions below sea level to the highest alpine plateaus in Africa rivals that of African nations better known for wildlife tourism.

Many of the birds and animals you will see are only found here and not farther south in East Africa. Visit Awash National Park and the Simien and Bale Mountains to explore three of the premier parks in Ethiopia for endemic species.

This safari is designed for full days covering extensive sites thoroughly and at a reasonable pace, but expect early morning starts and sunset finishes to maximize photographic opportunities and wildlife viewing.

The core itinerary is ideal for trips September through May.

Time your trip to coincide with one of the many festivals in the area and you can join the celebratory spirit and culture of a nation known for their colorful and dramatic religious and secular gatherings.  Festivals to consider include:

  • The Timkat Festival – Ethiopia’s celebration of the Ephiphany – occurs in January and affords the traveler the opportunity to witness this uplifting event in Lalibela, Axum, Gondar and Addis Ababa.  (Jan 18/20)
  • MeskelDemera – The Finding of the True Cross – is celebrated with much revelery into the late evening around giant bonfires, followed with evening visits to the houses of friends and family. (Sep 26/27)
  • Erecha Festival – a celebration of Oromo people on the first Sunday after Meskel
  • Ethiopian Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Day – Celebrated in different locations, this festival brings together peoples representing all ethnicities the share their culture, dress and experiences with one another. (Dec 8/9)
  • Gabriel’s Day (KulbiGabrel in Harar) – This is one of the most important religious holiday’s in Ethiopia, celebrating one of their most important patron saints, St. Gabriel. (Dec 28/29)

Dire SheickHussien – twice a year (beginning of August & In February or March)

Day 1: Arrive Addis Ababa

Upon your arrival in Addis Ababa, you wil be met by your guide and transferred to your hotel.–Addis Ababa means “new flower” in Amharic, and is Ethiopia’s largest city, often referred to as the “political capital of Africa” for its historical, diplomatic, and political significance on the continent. Sitting at an elevation of about 8,200 feet (2,500 meters) above sea level, it enjoys an excellent climate all year, with an average temperature of 19Ëšc.–Those arriving early might want to visit the sights of Addis. The Ethnological and National Museums, as well as the Red Terror Martyrs Memorial Museum, offer a broad view of Ethiopia’s cultural, historical and political history. The Ethnological Museum houses  exhibits representing the best arts and crafts of the country and in-depth views of the various peoples of Ethiopia. The National Museum–displaying cultural and archaeological relics, including a plaster cast of “Lucy,” the 3.2 million-year-old hominid found in Ethiopia’s Danakil Depression–is considered by many to be the best museum in Africa. The Red Terror Martyrs Museum offers an unparalleled and moving presentation of period of Ethiopia’s Communist occupation, with victims of this period serving as docents.

Meals–Breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 2: Fly to Gondar

This morning you fly to Gondar to visit some of Ethiopia’s most beautiful and well-preserved structures. The first stop is Fasil Ghebbi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that has earned this city the moniker “The Camelot of Africa”. This walled Royal enclosure, with its medieval castles and surrounding structures, is a fortress-city that once served as the residence of Ethiopian Emperor Fasilides and his successors. The remainder of the day will be spent touring other fascinating sights for which Gondar is famous, including King Fasil’s Bathe and the marvelously detailed Debre Birhan Sellassie church (Trinity of the Mount of Light), renown for its ceiling paintings of winged angel faces. The ceiling and wall paintings of this church depict the life, wit and humanity of Ethiopia and its inhabitants. Many of the drawings depict stories reported only to be found in the Book of Mary.

Meals–Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 3: Drive to Debark

This morning head to Debark , gateway to the Simien Mountains, to pick up armed park rangers before continuing on to Buit Ras. Explore the cliff tops on the edge of the Rift Valley while looking for the endemic Gelada Baboons, the Bleeding Heart Baboon, and the famous and fabled Lammergeyer, or Bearded Vulture. Many other species of bird and mammal can be found in these mountains. The rest of the day is spent observing the area from near the lodge.  –Later that night, enjoy serene sunsets from your hilltop lodge.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 4: chenek — Gondar

After breakfast, drive to Chenek to look for the endemic Walia Ibex. The Simien Mountains are the only place on earth where this animal, similar to a mountain goat, is found. Hike around the escarpments to the extent your agility and comfort with steep trails allows. The scenery here is spectacular, and a lovely place to enjoy your picnic lunch.–Late in the afternoon return to Gondar for the night.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 5: Fly to Lalibela

After an early breakfast, head to the airport for the flight to Lalibela.  visiting the area’s rock-hewn churches and enjoying the incredible views. The area is quite beautiful and is a lovely place to enjoy a walk.–Spend your afternoon touring the area’s famous churches. At the end of the 12th and beginning of the 13th centuries, King Lalibela organized the construction of a series of churches hewn from pink granite, now classified as one of the ancient wonders of the world. Each church has a unique architectural style, all are superbly carved, and most of them are decorated with well-preserved paintings. The largest, Bete Medhani Alem, is 100 feet long, 70 feet wide, 35 feet high, and has walls that are up to six feet thick. –Elevation:  2,630 m

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 6: Fly to Addis Ababa -Drive to Debre Zeit

Today is an early morning flight back to Addis Ababa and then onward drive to Kuriftu Debre Zeit Resort, to enjoy the local wildlife and culture at a more leisurely pace.  There are many birds found in this area of crater Rift Valley lakes.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 7: Awash national park

Head out early for Awash National Park.  There are over 350 species of birds found in this savannah grassland, including the Abyssinian Roller, Abyssinian Ground Horn Bill, Endemic White Tailed Swallow, Buff Created Bustard, Dark Chanting Goshawk, Pygmy Falcon, Honey Guide, Woodland Kingfisher, and many, many more!–Enjoy the vibrant and varied wildlife while exploring this gorgeous national treasure.  Even inexperienced birders will be impressed by the beauty, variety and abundance of spectacular species in this inviting habitat.  Be on the lookout for the Beisa Oryx and Swayne’s hartebeest, among the 46 species of mammals recorded in the park.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Lodge

Day 8: Awash national park–

Today is a full-day safari looking for birds and game amidst the spectacular scenery of the Awash River Valley.–Animals such as the East African oryx, Soemmerring’s gazelle, Dik-dik, the lesser and greater kudus, warthogs, Anubis baboons, Hamadryas baboons, and perhaps African wild dogs can be seen. Along the way, stop at Palm Springs to swim in the natural hot springs. Then after a long day of seeing magnificent animals and breathing crisp African air, turn in at the lodge for the night.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Lodge

Day 9: Langano

Today head to Langano, where you will spot throngs of flamingos on the shores of Lake Ziway and Lake Abijata.  In addition to the flamingos, appreciate the hundreds of other birds that congregate around the lakes.  This is a prime bird-watching experience for the avid bird lover.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Lodge

Day 10: Bale mountains

After breakfast, drive to Bale Mountains National Park, location of the richest afro-alpine vegetation in Africa. Drive through the Asela fertile land, cultivated by the Oromo people, on your way to the Dinsho park headquarters.–Within the park are many endemic mammals, including Menelik’s Bushbuck and the Mountain Nyala. Notable bird species include the Blue-winged Goose, Spot-breasted Lapwing, Abyssinian Longclaw, Wattled Ibis, Black-headed Siskin and Rouget’s Rail. –Continue to Goba for your overnight.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Lodge or Camping

Day 11: Sof omar caves

Spend most of your day exploring this unique Muslim pilgrimage site.––Today is a visit to Sof Omar caves, a vast series of underground limestone caves carved out by the River Web. The cave is almost nine miles long and is often touted as the longest cave in Africa. Entering through one of the portals, visitors follow a walking trail that criss-crosses the river multiple times as it passes through a series of chambers. The most impressive of these cavaties is the Chamber of Columns, named after the numerous tall pillars found in it. –Named after Sheikh Sof Omar, a 12th-century Muslim leader who used them as a refuge, the caves remain an important site of pilgrimage for Ethiopian Muslims as well as to the local Oromo People.–Explore this site at your leisure and then return to the lodge.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Lodge or Camping

Day 12: Sanetti plateau – Goba

Early in the morning, drive to the Afro-alpine Sanetti Plateau, home of the endemic Simien Fox and the beautiful and rare Spot-breasted Plover.   This area is also home to the rare and endangered Ethiopian Wolf.  With some patience, and a touch of luck, you might also see the rare wattled crane.–After a full day in the area, head back for your last evening at the lodge.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Lodge or Camping

Day 13: Return to Addis Ababa

Early in the morning you start the drive back to Addis via the Assela plains.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 14: Addis Ababa

Your last morning is free to explore Addis on your own, doing some last minute shopping or visiting before being transferred to the airport for your homebound flight.–A dayroom at the hotel can be booked at additional expense.

Tonight you enjoy a folkloric dinner in one of the best cultural restaurants, where you can enjoy traditional Ethiopian dishes, music and dances from different regions of the country

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Please note: This tour may precede or follow any other Ethiopian tours offered by Nakutolab Ethiopia Tour.
  • This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirement.

Date and Availability = All the year This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted according to your time, budget and interest. Price: , if you want quotation or any other tour information about this trip we are very happy to help. Request a quote

suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted

  • Theflight rate will only apply if arrival into Ethiopia was done with the Ethiopian Airlines.

Trip Notes:

January and September departures are scheduled to take advantage of local festivals, Timkat,Gena  ,and Meskel respectively.

Equipped with the best vehicles and driver Guide / upon request you will be escorted by expert guides /you are immersed in the ancient history, cultures, natural habitats and spiritually of this captivating country and its people. This itinerary can easily be modified as a custom trip and if your travel dates are  flexible we recommend visiting Ethiopia in conjunction with the colorful Timkat( epiphany ) and Gena( x-mass)  festivalesJanauary 19 and 7 respectively .

Essential Information

Plan your trip

Getting around Ethiopia: -Because of the state of the roads, the distances involved and the quality of the alternative (flying) most short term visitors use internal flights in Ethiopia. There are reliable daily flights between most of the stops on the Northern Circuit (Addis, Gondar, Lalibella, Axum, Bahir Dar).

If you have more time, or delight in the joys of overland travel, we can provide you vehicles (4WD, minibus and coaster bus)

When to go —All year round

Climate :- This trip visits many different environments and has a range of weather conditions. At lower elevations, for example Langano it is hot during the day and cooler in the nights. The dry season is from Sept – June and there is a small chance of late rains in September and October. When we are at higher elevations, in the Bale Mountains, there is a higher chance of rain. During the dry season day time temperatures can be vey high, reaching 36 degC. Due to the altitude nights are cold and the temperature can fall below 5 degC at night.

Guided Group :-This is a small group adult holiday. The group is usually between 1 and 20 in size, with an average of 10 like-minded clients booking individually, in a couple or as friends together.

Activity level

You are reasonably fit, enjoy the outdoors and are looking for some exercise. Some previous experience is preferable for activity based trips.

Transport: We will be using a Coaster buses , mini buses or 4WD Toyota land cruiser depending on the condition of the road and the size of the group. The distance covered are fairly large.

Foods :

Hotel meals are generally good and full of variety. Local dishes tend to be very good if you like hot, spicy food although milder versions can be requested. Local food is traditionally eaten with the hands. The sour bread known as injera is used as a scoop for the casserole dishes known as wat.

Hotels: You will spend 5 nights in confortable hotels and 8 nights in beautiful lodges with en-suite rooms.

Room price :Our prices are typically based on twin- share accommodation but single supplements are not compulsory. If you prefer not to pay a single supplement we’ll pair you with someone else of the same sex for you to share with throughout the trip.

On this trip, if you do choose to pay for a single supplement then please note that it will cover you for all nights of the tour including all camping nights.

Please remember that all Nakutolab Ethiopia tour prices mean NO hidden extras, NO local payments and NO compulsory single supplements

Private groups: The adventures featured in our itinerary are just a starting point for many of our private group travellers. Working closely with our Groups Department we can organize custom designed itineraries for groups of friends, clubs, charity’s, schools or even work colleagues. Our team will assist you with all aspects of your private group adventure from itinerary design to group flights. For group traveller pledge considerable discount.

Customized tours: On request, this tour can be customized for small groups.

Proceeding / additional days: It’s no problem to add days before or after the expedition and we’ll book these for you. If you bring more time, you could do day trips from Addis or take an extension tour

Group booking discount: If at least 5 people together book this trip, 6% discount is given.

Vaccinations and Visa

All nationalities require a visa for Ethiopia which can be obtained before departure at a cost of USD50 – be prepared to queue for a while.

Vaccination: –There are no mandatory vaccination requirement for this trip. Recommended vaccinations are: Polio, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Yellow Fever.

Holiday style :There are some long drives on this trip (detailed in the itinerary) – Nearlly all roads are asphalted. Your reward will be seeing areas almost untouched by tourism, rare and beautiful wildlife and the warmth of the Ethiopian people. This trip goes to altitude. The highest point is the in the Bale Mountains when we visit the Sanetti Plateau which is 4000 metres above sea level.

If you are ready to forego some home comforts and bring along a sense of Adventure then the rewards will not disappoint!

a typical day

Being relatively close to the equator, Ethiopia has almost twelve hours of constant daylight no matter what time of year you visit. With the sun rising at 6:30am and setting at 6:45pm, most of our days start early so as to be at our hotel by sunset.

Tipping – Local Crew : Although entirely voluntary, tipping is a recognized part of life in Ethiopia . Some local staff will look to members of the group for personal recognition of particular services provided. In order to make things easier for you, your Guide may organise a group’s tips kitty and if this is the case, they will account for it throughout the tour.–Accordingly, you should allow US$50 for tipping of local drivers, guides, boat crew and for any miscellaneous tipping of hotel staff.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Awash, Semien and Bale Mountains NP
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Trip Facts

  • NET 023
  • Air & Surface (4WD)
  • 1- 15 Participants
  • 14 days / 13 nights Any date departure