Cultural – Historic Route - 10 Days

Northern Historic Route

Visit the monks and monasteries and awe-inspiring landscape of Ethiopia’s historic northern region. On this tour, you will see the magnificent geography of Northern Ethiopia, stay at some beautiful lodges and hotels and begin to understand why so many people visit this extraordinary Country. You will be in real touch with its ancient religious history — from the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, to St. Mary of Zion in Axum, the holiest church in Ethiopia and alleged to hold, in its sanctuary, the original Ark of the Covenant and onto the many monasteries of the northern region. There are also medieval castles at Gonder, smoking waterfalls at Tississat and incredible views and hotels in the Simien Mountains. Above all, you will meet the monks of Debre Damo and the Zegie Peninsula of Lake Tana and experience the hospitality of the people of Ethiopia, to discover something of their ways and beliefs. This tour is suitable for all age groups.

  • Axum and Gondar, the introduction of Christianity in Ethiopia
  • Stunning scenery of Tigray Mountains
  • Visiting the Eighth Wonder of the Ancient World, Lalibela
  • Taking aboat ride on Lake Tana, visiting Ura Kidane Mihret Church.

Day 1: Arrival to Addis Ababa-City Tour

Welcome to Ethiopia! Upon arrival at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, you will be welcomed and assisted by your tour guide and driver for the transfer to Hotel.

Addis Ababa, founded in 1886 by Menelik II, is situated at 2,500 meters above sea level. It is the highest capital city in the world. The city enjoys an excellent climate all year round, with an average temperature of 23 C . With multiethnic population of over 5 million, Addis Ababa is a pleasant city with wide avenues of jacarandas, interesting museums, and one of the largest open-air markets in Africa, known as the “Mercato.”

The rest of the day city tour of Addis Ababa which include: the National Museum which houses Dinknesh (Lucy), Ethnographic Museum and Mercato the largest open air market in Africa. Lunch at a local restaurant.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 2: Drive to Debremarkos

In the morning, drive to Bahir Dar through the Great Blue Nile Gorge with a stopover at different small towns like Dejen, Chancho and Goha Tsion. Here en route, group will visit the ancient Debre Libanos Monastery from the 12 century and the beautiful Jemma River Gorge. Group also will be driving through the Blue Nile Gorge is a majestic and enormous river gorge and it is one of the most captivating gorges in Africa. It has a magnificent, alluring physical feature and natural beauty.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel :Gozamin Hotel

Day 3: Drive to Lake Tana

In the morning, we will make boat cruise over Lake Tana to visit the ancient 14th century island monasteries of Lake Tana. The 37 islands of Lake Tana shelter twenty monasteries-surviving remnants of an old, contemplative tradition. Because of their isolation, they were used to store treasures and religious relics from all parts of the country. The Lake’s monasteries are famous for their typical Ethiopian religious paintings, illuminated manuscripts, and other ancient church treasures. The monasteries that we are going to visit include Kibran Gebriel, Ura Kidane Mihret and Azua Mariam. After having lunch at the hotel, we will drive 35 KM to visit the majestic Blue Nile Falls. 30 KM after it exits Lake Tana, the Blue Nile plunges over a 45m-high face to form one of the most spectacular waterfall in Africa. Walking to the fall through the beautiful river gorge on the ancient bridge from the 17th century, and meeting the local people at the small villages on the way to the fall is also a great experience.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 4: Drive to Gondar

After breakfast, drive to Gondar through the beautiful countryside scenery to arrive at Gondar around lunchtime. After check in to Goha Hotel and having lunch there, we will start city tour of Gondar. Gondar, founded by Emperor Fasiledas around 1635 is famous for its many medieval castles and the design and decoration of its churches-in particular, Debre Birhan Selassie represents a masterpiece of unique Ethiopian School of traditional art. Today you will visit the Royal Enclosure, a walled compound having 6different castles built from 17th century by different kings who ruled indifferent times, the pool of King Fasilidas which still serves as a baptismal pool during Ethiopian Epiphany and we will also visit the famous Deberberhan Sillassie adorned with brilliant frescos from inside.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 5: Drive to Axum via Siemen Mountains National Park

Morning after breakfast drive to Axum through the beautiful sceneries of Simien Mountains, Limalimo, Tekeze River Gorge. While driving from Simien Mountains to Axum, you will have a brief stop at different parts of the park for the best view. You will have picnic lunch under the shade of the tree past the Tekeze River Gorge whilst enjoying the beautiful Simien Mountains scenery from distance. The Tekeze River is 608 kilometers long, one of Ethiopia’s main rivers. The canyon, which it has created, is the deepest in Africa and one of the deepest in the world, at some points having a depth of over 2000 meters.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 6: Axum

After breakfast, we will start to visit the ancient city of Axum. This is the birthplace of Ethiopian civilization, and by the first century Axum was a major trading center for exotic goods from Egypt, Rome, Nubia, Greece, Syria, and India. The Holy Ark of the Covenant was brought here before the destruction of the Temple, and Axum is reputed to be the second Jerusalem. Our visit in Axum include: the Stele Square, Kaleba Tombs, the 4th century Christian inscription of King Ezana, Queen of Sheba’s Palace, Archeological Museum, and Tsion Mariam Church where the original Ark of the Covenant is housed.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 7: Drive to Mekele

Morning drive to Mekele en route visit Yeha temple and Debre Damo monastery. This Tigray region is home to some of the most remote, hard-to-reach churches, often situated in incredible locations. Some churches involve precipitous climbs and some are unfortunately forbidden to females.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 8: Drive to Lalibela

Drive from Mekelle to Lalibela (home of the incredible hand carved 12th century rock churches of King Lalibela) through the scenic Wollo Mountains visiting the Amhara people. On the way visit lake Ashenge and some local market.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 9: Lalibela

In the morning after breakfast excursion to visit the first group of the magnificent rock-hewn churches of Lalibela which are carved out of living volcanic tuff with super architectural skill that the world has never seen, yet elsewhere. UNESCO registers these churches as world heritage. Among churches of this group Bete Medahine Alem (house of the redeemer) is the largest with 5 aisles, 72 pillars, vaulted dome and molding decoration. Bete Mariam (house of St. Marry) is the most decorated among the rock hewn churches. Back to the hotel for lunch and afternoon visit the second group of the rock-hewn churches; Bete Emanuel (house of Emanuel) is architecturally the finest. Bete Giorgis (the house of George) is the finest of all the churches in Lalibela for which reason art historians conclude that this church is carved at the end of the cluster, after the masons have developed their skill to carve the church in such extraordinary perfection. In the evening, there will be Ethiopian traditional coffee ceremony for the group prepared at a local house. Those who can’t face their day without a cup of coffee may be surprised to know that in its birthplace in Ethiopia’s Kaffa region-from which it gets its name- the berries were originally only eaten, never roasted and ground for a drink. Only since the13th century, coffee has been made a hot drink. Holding a coffee ceremony is traditional Ethiopian way of welcoming a guest and giving the guest the best hospitality. It is probably one of the most celebrated Ethiopian traditions, and a lifestyle — in which most Ethiopians can identify themselves with.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 10: Fly to Addis Ababa

After breakfast, transfer to Lalibela airport for the flight to Addis Ababa, transfer to Airport hotel. The rest of the day, at leisure. In the evening farewell dinner party with traditional special buffet and local drinks.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

End of Tour. Departure

  • This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirement.

Date and Availability = All the year This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted according to your time, budget and interest. Price: , if you want quotation or any other tour information about this trip we are very happy to help. Request a quote

suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted

Trip Notes

Equipped with the best vehicles and driver Guide / upon request you will be escorted by expert guides /you are immersed in the ancient history, cultures, natural habitats and spiritually of this captivating country and its people. This itinerary can easily be modified as a custom trip and if your travel dates are  flexible we recommend visiting Ethiopia in conjunction with the colorful Timkat( epiphany ) and Gena( x-mass)  festivals January 19 and 7 respectively.

Essential information

Plan your trip

Getting around Ethiopia

If you have more time, or delight in the joys of overland travel, we can provide you vehicles (4WD, minibus and coaster bus )

Road: The best way to experience the variety of scenery Ethiopia has to offer is travel by road.  Ethiopia’s road network has improved substantially in the past decade or so thanks to an extensive road maintenance program and  many roads are become an asphalt.

There are a several highways in Ethiopia, majority of the roads are in good condition:

The major roads leading out from Addis Ababa are tar-sealed, all-weather roads along all (or most of) their routes. Many minor roads are paved and traversing them can be comfortable.

 By car: -A good way to tour Ethiopia is by car. They can take you off the beaten track so you can see the beauty and attractions of Ethiopia.

We use reliable and well maintained Toyota Landcruisers, Buses and minibuses throughout the entirety of this tour and our drivers are chosen by us for their skills, their safety, their experience and their good nature. The main roads in Ethiopia are often newly tarmaced and facilitate comfort and efficiency. But this tour frequently goes off-piste to explore much more unusual areas, making the comfort and quality of our vehicles of utmost importance.

Vehicles /Transport:  During the course of your trip, we will use a variety of vehicles, all which are fit for purpose and the conditions encountered. We will be using a 4WD Toyota land cruiser, mini buses or coater buses depending on the condition of the road and the size of the group.

These land cruisers can accommodate four to five participants. Travelling in Ethiopia is a great adventure and needs much patience and flexibility. The quality of the bus is not always comparable with the standards that you are used to in the West

Travel documents (Passport and Visa requirements)

Your passport should be valid for at least 6 months after having left Ethiopia. Also keep in mind that your passport needs at least 2 consecutive blank pages. A photocopy of your passport is a great idea (keep it somewhere separate in your luggage).

At present, a visa is required for entry as a tourist into Ethiopia. You should apply to your nearest Ethiopian embassy . For some nationalities it’s possible to obtain a tourist visa on arrival into Addis Ababa airport, visitors will need to bring two recent passport-sized photographs. Please check the visa requirements for your country well in advance of travel as they can of course change at any moment.

Upon request we arrange visas for our travellers, or if an invitation letter is necessary then we will arrange this for you.

There are no mandatory vaccination requirements

Climate:- Ethiopia is generally pleasant and warm, but varies with altitude. The long rains usually arrive mid- June to early September. After the rains, the highlands of northern Ethiopia are usually green and thus particularly scenic. The temperature all year round rarely falls below 18°C. Night-time temperatures in the mountains can be cold and can drop below freezing at higher altitude.

When to go –All year round

 Accommodation: Currently, Ethiopia is known for its fine  and luxurious hotels and Lodges . Reliable hot showers are generally speaking still a luxury and places with genuine charm are available. All accommodation throughout this tour is 2 -4 star  (comfortable hotels with en-suite facilities) accommodation is based on twin sharing but single supplements are not compulsory. If you prefer not to pay a single supplement we’ll pair you with someone else of the same sex for you to share with throughout the trip. Single rooms are available  (at an extra cost)   But these must be booked  and paid in Advance.

Food:  – Hotel meals are generally good and full of  variety. Local dishes tend to be very good if you like hot, spicy food although milder versions can be requested.

All food on trek is cooked for you and, although local produce can be a bit limited in the mountains, it is usually of a high standard. Vegetarians can be catered for, though you may find the diet somewhat limited. Clients who have specialist dietary requirements must contact us to discuss if they can be accommodated. you will have a private cook for your trek who will provide breakfast, packed lunch, tea and dinner each day. The food is great, and given most Westerners aversion to the Ethiopian staple Injurra, mostly of the Western variety. t bread and pancakes / eggs for breakfast, filling sandwiches for lunch, herbal teas, fantastic coffee and popcorn at the end of a long days trekking and then a massive meal to end the day with soup starter and a hearty main with plenty of veg to finish.

Small Rucksack/Daysac

During the course of a trekking day, you do not have access to the luggage that is being carried for you by the porters. In any mountain region the weather can change rapidly and you must be equipped for this eventuality. Your daysac should, therefore, be large enough to carry the following: waterproofs, sweater, long trousers (if walking in shorts), warm hat and gloves, sun hat, sun cream, water bottle (at least 2litre), tissues and your packed lunch. Most people normally find that this adds up to about 2 to 3kg. Camera equipment can be heavy so think carefully when deciding what to take. Other optional items in a daysac might be binoculars, a diary or a book to read at lunch time. It is usually more comfortable to carry a slightly larger pack that is not full than to carry a small pack that is overfull or with ‘bits’ tied on the outside. Something between 20 and 25 litres capacity is probably the most suitable. A shoulder bag is not a practical alternative.

Plastic Bags

Luggage:- 15Kg

DifficultyThis tour is not strenuous. Visits to the markets, villages and different tribes are very sedate, calm and relaxed requiring no great levels of fitness. There is however a fair bit of driving on gravel roads.

Private groups: The adventures featured in our itinerary are just a starting point for many of our private group travellers. Working closely with our Groups Department we can organize custom designed itineraries for groups of friends, clubs, charity’s, schools or even work colleagues. Our team will assist you with all aspects of your private group adventure from itinerary design to group flights. For group traveller pledge considerable discount.

Customized tours: On request, this tour can be customized for small groups.

Proceeding / additional days: It’s no problem to add days before or after the expedition and we’ll book these for you. If you bring more time, you could do day trips from Addis or take an extension tour

Group booking discount: If at least 5 people together book this trip, 6% discount is given.

Please remember that all Zagwe Ethiopia tour prices mean NO hidden extras, NO local payments.

Responsible tourism:-This trip is a great opportunity to see Ethiopian endemic species of Gelada.

The trip also gives employment and a market opportunity for the local shop owners, markets, restaurants, guides, scouts, mule hires, and many more. Also all the accommodations throughout your trip are owned and run by the members of the local community. Your needs associated with your travel will be served by the members of the community.

Adventure Rating
Comfort Grade
Fitness Level

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Cultural – Historic Route
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Trip Facts

  • NET 008
  • Surface (4WD )
  • 1- 15 Participants
  • 10 days / 9 night Any date departure