Historic Route , Semien Mountains and Awash NP - 12 Days

Addis Ababa/ Lalibela/ Axum/Gondar/Bahir dare/ Semien Mountains and Awash national park

Ethiopia may, rather simplistically, be said to be the convergence point between the classical and African worlds. Northern Ethiopia is rich with remnants of the ancient civilisations, due to the arrival of Christianity in the 4th century and of Islam in the 7th. A historical circuit of northern Ethiopia takes in the 18th century churches of the Lake Tana monasteries and Blue Nile Falls, Gondar – noted for its magnificent Royal Enclosure, Axum – the ancient capital and seat of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the curious rock-hewn 12th century churches Lalibela.

Far from its stereotyped image of arid desert, northern Ethiopia is dominated by the lush rainforests and grasslands of the Abyssinian Highlands which reach well over 4,620 metres in the Simien Mountains where canyons and rivers incise the massif. The Blue Nile Gorge reaches from Lake Tana to the Sudanese border and is one of the most impressive geological features of the Highlands.

  • Explore Addis Ababa and the National Museum of Ethiopia
  • Visit Axum, the original capital of the Axumit kingdom
  • Explore Gondar, the first fixed capital of Ethiopia
  • See the Blue Nile, Lake Tana and the Monasteries
  • Hike in the Simien Mountains
  • Walk in the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela
  • Explore Awash Notional park

Day 1: Arrival In Addis Ababa

Our guide welcomes you upon arrival at Bole international airport and transfer to your hotel. Take a City Tour of Addis Ababa. It lies amongst wooded hills at an altitude of about 2300 metres, giving it a pleasant climate. Addis has many sights to offer visitors. Get a fascinating glimpse into Ethiopia’s many tribal groups at the Ethnological Museum, see the stunning fossil collection at the National Museum, and don’t miss the chaotic bustle of the Merkato (local market). All manner of arts and crafts can be found in the souvenir shops on Churchill Avenue. Why not take the chance to head to one of the city’s many restaurants and try some local food and perhaps hear some traditional music.

Meals: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 2: Fly to Bahirdar

Transfer to the airport for the short early morning flight to Bahir Dar.

Bahir Dar rests on the shores of Lake Tana and is one of Ethiopia’s prettiest cities with its wide avenues, palms, jacaranda trees, and stunning lake views. For centuries Bahir Dar has been a trading center for the region; the tankwa, the traditional papyrus boats, still transport goods across the lake adding a sense of timelessness to city.  Whilst on board your private boat onto Lake Tana to the Zege Peninsula and its famous island monasteries. After a short hike through local villages and coffee farms, you reach the monastery of Ura Kidane Meret. Home to an important collection of crosses and crowns dating back to the 16th century. The painted maqdas, colorful and well-preserved, tell the stories of Ethiopian saints. The second monastery visit, Azwa Maryam, is a smaller construction set amidst pleasant gardens. This afternoon there is an optional excursion available to the Blue Nile Falls. Alternatively, you can choose to explore Bahir Dar’s market, enjoy a cold beverage overlooking the lake or bird watch in the lush gardens at the hotel.

Meals: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 3: Drive to Gondar

Depart this morning for the three hour drive to Gondar, passing rural villages over mountain passes with stunning vistas to get your first glimpse of the impressive castles of Gondar. Often called Africa’s Camelot, King Fasiledes named Gondar capital in 1636 ACE and by his death in 1667 ACE Gondar’s population had reached 65,000, its wealth and beauty well known throughout the land. Walking amongst the castles of the Royal Enclosure, ornate churches adorned with Ethiopian cherubs, and royal baths. It’s easy to imagine Gondar in its glory days as capital of Ethiopia. Return to watch the sunset from your hotel.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 4: Drive to Simien Mountains

Depart Gondar to drive up into Africa’s most beautiful highlands, the Simien Mountains. The drive takes about 4 hours on packed gravel roads amidst stunning scenery. The Simien Mountains not only offer amazing vistas and panoramic views, but the area is also a critical habitat of several of Ethiopia’s endemic species: the walia ibex, gelada baboon, and the rare Ethiopian wolf. Other resident mammals include rock hyraxes, jackals, bushbuck and klipspringers. Ras Dashen, the fourth highest peak in Africa, rises to 4,620 meters amongst several other impressive peaks.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 5: Hiking Simien Mountains

Set out with the local expert guide on a day hike with a picnic lunch. Depart the lodge for Chenek where it is possible to spot the endemic walia ibex. Hike along the escarpment at around 10,000′ elevation and marvel at the spectacular landscape with panoramic vistas overlooking waterfalls and the deep gorges below.

Meals: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 6: Return to Gondar

After a short hike or relaxed morning enjoying the mountains return to Gondar. The afternoon is free to walk around the town, catch up on your travel journal, and relax at the hotel with a refreshing drink in the lounge.

Meals: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 7: Fly to Lalibela

The short flight to Lalibela transects amazing rust colored canyons and high jagged peaks. At over 8,500 feet the small town of Lalibela is situated high in the Lasta Mountains. Even though Lalibela has been a destination for travelers and pilgrims since the 16th century. The day is spent exploring the ancient city and its many rock-hewn churches. Lalibela is arguably one of the most important religious and historical sites in Africa, and certainly in the entire Christian world. Although it is not widely known in the west, Ethiopia was the first country to adopt Christianity as a state religion.  The Lalibela churches are said to have been constructed during King Lalibela’s reign in the 12th and 13th centuries when Lalibela (then known as Roha) was the capital of the Zagwe dynasty. Legend has it that King Lalibela was exiled in Jerusalem and returned to Ethiopia to build a New Jerusalem.

Meals: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 8: Lalibela —Mule Riding

This morning rise early and enjoy an excursion out of town to Asheten Mariam. visit Asheton  Mariam, atop a mountain overlooking Lalibela, by mule back. The mountain views are impressive and panoramic.

In the afternoon, visit the Second group of the churches representing the heavenly Jerusalem. In this group are the Bete Gabriel & Raphael, Bete Merquorios, Bete Emmanuel, and Bete Abba Libanos Finally, visit the most interesting cross-shaped church of Bete Giorgis (St. George), which is said to be the symbolization of Noah’s ark. The cruciform-shaped Bete Giorgis is the most perfect and beautiful church here; its interior is dominated by depictions of Saint George killing the dragon.

Meals: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 9: Fly to Axum

After breakfast head back through the rugged landscape to the airport and your flight to Axum. This simple frontier town is in fact a city of great importance; once the ancient capital of Ethiopia. According to local legend, Axum was home to the Queen of Sheba and is today the current resting place of the Ark of the Covenant. As one explores Axum and its ancient relics, your sense of adventure and imagination will guide you through this mysterious historic place. On arrival, get your first glimpse of the long history of the area with a city tour that includes the Archeological Museum, Stelae Park and Ezana’s inscriptions. The North Stelae Park contains over 120 stelae, some are upright, some are buried and others have been removed. The Rome Stelae, the tallest at 25m high, was shipped to Italy in 1937 under orders from Mussolini, but has since been returned and is being re-erected at this time. Explore the St. Mary of Zion complex–an unexpected blend of ancient and modern. The original church was built by Emperor Fasiladas, founder of Gonder, in 1665. It’s thought that this church was constructed on the original foundations of a temple built by King Ezana or King Kaleb in the 4th or 6th centuries, making this the oldest Christian site in Africa. Keep your eye out for the guarded chapel, said to be the home of the Ark of the Covenant. Visit the museum of ancient relics under the modern cathedral of St. Mary’s of Zion built by Emperor Haile Selassie in the 1960’s. The ruined palace of the Queen of Sheba and the 10th century B.C. Axumite temples of Kings Kaleb and Gebre Meskel are also impressive sites overlooking the Adwa Mountains and Eritrea.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 10 : fly to Addis Ababa — Awash national park

Morning transfer to the airport for flight to Addis. ––Head out early for Awash National Park.  There are over 400 species of birds found in this savannah grassland, including the Abyssinian Roller, Abyssinian Ground Horn Bill, Endemic White Tailed Swallow, Buff Created Bustard, Dark Chanting Goshawk, Pygmy Falcon, Honey Guide, Woodland Kingfisher, and many, many more!–Enjoy the vibrant and varied wildlife while exploring this gorgeous national treasure.  Even inexperienced birders will be impressed by the beauty, variety and abundance of spectacular species in this inviting habitat.  Be on the lookout for the Beisa Oryx and Swayne’s hartebeest, among the 46 species of mammals recorded in the park.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight : lodge

Day 11: Awash National park

Today is a full-day safari looking for birds and game amidst the spectacular scenery of the Awash River Valley.–Animals such as the East African oryx, Soemmerring’s gazelle, Dik-dik, the lesser and greater kudus, warthogs, Anubis baboons, Hamadryas baboons, and perhaps African wild dogs can be seen. Along the way, stop at Palm Springs to swim in the natural hot springs. Then after a long day of seeing magnificent animals and breathing crisp African air, turn in at the lodge for the night.

Meal: breakfast /lunch /Dinner

Overnight Hotel

Day 12 : Return to Addis Ababa

Driving back to Addis, aim to arrive in the capital this afternoon, before taking a tour of the main highlights. This will include the Ethnographic Museum and the Church of the Holy Trinity, whose large dome and slender pinnacles make it a landmark in the city.

In the evening before departure, you will be invited a farewell dinner party at one of the best traditional restaurants in Addis where you taste variety of Ethiopian meals, and watch the folkloric dancers of the Ethiopian people.

End of Service and Departure

  • Please note: This tour may precede or follow any other Ethiopian tours offered by Nakutolab Ethiopia Tour.
  • This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirement.

Date and Availability = All the year This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted according to your time, budget and interest. Price: , if you want quotation or any other tour information about this trip we are very happy to help. Request a quote

suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted

  • Theflight rate will only apply if arrival into Ethiopia was done with the Ethiopian Airlines.

Trip Notes:

January and September departures are scheduled to take advantage of local festivals, Timkat,Gena  ,and Meskel respectively.

Equipped with the best vehicles and driver Guide / upon request you will be escorted by expert guides /you are immersed in the ancient history, cultures, natural habitats and spiritually of this captivating country and its people. This itinerary can easily be modified as a custom trip and if your travel dates are flexible we recommend visiting Ethiopia in conjunction with the colorful Timkat( epiphany ) and Gena( x-mass)  festivalesJanauary 19 and 7 respectively .

Price Includes

  • All accommodation is based on twin sharing.
  • Drinking water, up to 4 liters per person per day for 4 days .
  • Foam mats while camping
  • All ground transportations with fuel/ Ground transportation by a newest model air conditioned 4WD, Minibus or coaster bus /
  • Four domestic flights
  • Private vehicles with driver (road tax, vehicle and driver insurance, accommodation of the driver and allowance)
  • The services of escort guide qualified in English during the whole voyage
  • Services of local guides during site visits.
  • All breakfast
  • Airport Transfers
  • City transfer
  • All entrance fees as per the program
  • Boat trip on Lake Tana
  • Mule riding
  • Scouts
  • Government T ax

Price Excludes

  • International airfare
  • Any alcoholic drinks
  • Single accommodation (available on request)
  • Personal expense like souvenirs, laundry, etc
  • Meals (Lunch and Dinner)
  • Tips
  • Visa expenses.
  • Video or photographing fees or tips at different sites. – Any alcoholic beverages
  • And any personal item expense
  • Any expense which is not stated in the ‘ Included List’ above

Essential Information

Plan your trip

Getting around Ethiopia: -Because of the state of the roads, the distances involved and the quality of the alternative (flying) most short term visitors use internal flights in Ethiopia. There are reliable daily flights between most of the stops on the Northern Circuit (Addis, Gondar, Lalibella, Axum, Bahir Dar).

If you have more time, or delight in the joys of overland travel, we can provide you vehicles (4WD, minibus and coaster bus )

When to go –All year round.

Climate Ethiopia: Ethiopia is generally pleasant and warm, but varies with altitude. The long rains usually arrive mid- June to early September and the short rains between mid-February and April although this pattern has been completely erratic in recent times. After the rains, the highlands of northern Ethiopia are usually green and thus particularly scenic. The temperature all year round rarely falls below 18°C. Night-time temperatures in the mountains can be cold.The climate in Awash is referred to as a local steppe climate. There is not much rainfall in Awash all year long. The average temperature in Awash is 25.8 °C.

Accommodation details :All accommodation throughout this tour is 3-4 star  (comfortable hotels with en-suite facilities) All accommodation is based on twin sharing.

Visas: – All nationalities require a visa for Ethiopia which can be obtained before departure or on arrival (at a cost of USD50).

Upon request we arrange visas for our travellers, or if an invitation letter is necessary then we will arrange this for you.

Vaccination: –There are no mandatory vaccination requirement for this trip.

Transport: We will be using a Coaster buses , mini buses or 4WD Toyota land cruiser  depending on the condition of the road and the size of the group. The distancecovered are fairly large.

Holiday style :-This is a busy trip and requires a certain level of fitness and agility, especially due to the heat and altitude. There are several walks that are not difficult – Tississat Falls, in the Simien Mountains and Awash National park. The harder walk and mule ride in Lalibela is optional. When visiting the rock hewn churches in Lalibela clients have to walk on uneven ground and climb steps that can be slippery.

What tourism exists is quite well organized and in places you may be surprised at the standard of services and personnel. The maximum altitude reached on this trip is 3250m.

Foods :All breakfasts

Hotel meals are generally good and full of variety. Local dishes tend to be very good if you like hot, spicy food although milder versions can be requested. Local food is traditionally eaten with the hands. The sour bread known as injera is used as a scoop for the casserole dishes known as wat.

Private groups:The adventures featured in our itinerary are just a starting point for many of our private group travellers. Working closely with our Groups Department we can organize custom designed itineraries for groups of friends, clubs, charity’s, schools or even work colleagues. Our team will assist you with all aspects of your private group adventure from itinerary design to group flights. For group traveller pledge considerable discount.

Customized tours: On request, this tour can be customized for small groups.

Proceeding / additional days: It’s no problem to add days before or after the expedition and we’ll book these for you. If you bring more time, you could do day trips from Addis or take an extension tour

Group booking discount: If at least 5 people together book this trip, 6% discount is given.

Please remember that all Nakutolab Ethiopia tour prices mean NO hidden extras, NO local payments.

arounActivity level: ★★★

You are reasonably fit, enjoy the outdoors and are looking for some exercise. Some previous experience is preferable for activity based trips.: This tour is not strenuous. Activities such as the mule ride to AshetonMaryan can be tough on the body, but visiting the church complexes, temples and sites is always done at a very easy and relaxed pace.

Budgeting: –

You will need some extra money to cover meals and drinks not included in the tour price, any optional sightseeing, souvenirs and items of a personal nature such as laundry.

Food :The costs for meals may vary depending upon location, type of restaurant and number of courses eaten and so the prices given are an average guide. Local restaurants located off the beaten track may be less expensive, whereas an upmarket restaurant located in the centre of a major city may charge more.

Lunch $: 8

Dinner $: 9

Drink: –The prices for drinks can vary greatly depending upon location and the prices detailed below are an average guide. In general you would expect that drinks purchased in a supermarket or local bar to be less expensive, whilst drinks in an upmarket bar or restaurant may be more expensive.

Bottle of Beer $: 1.50

Water $: 1.00

Tipping – Local Crew : Although entirely voluntary, tipping is a recognized part of life in Ethiopia . Some local staff will look to members of the group for personal recognition of particular services provided. In order to make things easier for you, your Guide may organise a group’s tips kitty and if this is the case, they will account for it throughout the tour.
Accordingly, you should allow US$50 for tipping of local drivers, guides, boat crew and for any miscellaneous tipping of hotel staff.

Essential equipment and Clothing

Clothing: Daytime temperatures are mainly warm and comfortable but evenings in the highlands can be cold. We recommend a thick jumper or warm fleece and lightweight wind/waterproof clothing. Take a sun hat.

Footwear: Comfortable, good walking shoes with ankle support are strongly recommended as well as comfortable sandals.

  • Daypack
  • Light jacket or fleece
  • Good walking footwear/boots
  • Walking if you normally use them
  • Insect spray
  • Sunhat
  • Sun cream
  • Sunglasses
  • Water bottle
  • Wet wipes
  • Anti bacterial hand gel
  • Torch and spare batteries

Luggage: On Tour One main piece of baggage and a daypack. Please note that there is a weight restriction of 7kg for hand luggage/daypack for international and internal flights.

Luggage allowance on tour: 20kg

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Historic Route , Semien Mountains and Awash NP
Price From
$0 $0 Per Person
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$0 Per Adult
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Trip Facts

  • NET 026
  • Air & Surface (4WD)
  • 1- 15 Participants
  • 12 days / 11 nights Any date departure