Historic Route, Semien Mountains and Omo Valley - 18 Days

Historical Route,Omo and Yabello

Atop the Ethiopian Highlands, you are standing on the very roof of Africa. This vast high-altitude plateau, marked with volcanic peaks and rent with deep gorges, is one of the world’s most dramatic landscapes. Its soaring crags and rock formations have been described as “the chess pieces of the gods.” Where the escarpment falls away on one side, the gash of the Rift Valley is revealed far below. Rare endemic wildlife such as walia ibex, mountain nyala, Ethiopian wolf and gelada baboons roam the alpine moors and grasslands among these evocative mountains, while raptors soar overhead. Far below, ancient monuments and ruins stand in testament to Ethiopia’s rich human history, once one of the greatest kingdoms on Earth

Take a journey through time by visiting the northern classic historical route of Ethiopia taking you to the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, Gondar’s castles and the ancient town of Axum.

To the south the Omo Valley awaits you with its intriguing–tribes and landscapes. Spend some time enjoying natural surroundings and game viewing in the Great Rift Valley Lakes area.

Day 1: Arrive to Addis Ababa — City tour


Upon arrival in Addis Ababa, you will be met and transferred to Hotel. –Addis Ababa means “new flower” in Amharic, and it is Ethiopia’s largest city. Sitting at an elevation of about 2,500 meters above sea level. today vist to a local synagogue and St. Georges Cathedral, Tomoca’s coffee house,  the Red Terror Martyr’s Museum, a moving tribute to the suffering of Ethiopians during the 1970’s Mengistu-era persecution .–in the afternoon , tour Haile Selassie’s former palace, which is now the home of the Ethnological Museum. Exhibits here represent the best arts and crafts of the country and give an in-depth view of the various peoples of Ethiopia. – Finally, visit the National Museum, considered by many to be the best museum in Africa. Here, cultural and archaeological relics, including a plaster cast of “Lucy,” the 3.2 million-year-old hominid, are displayed. –At the end of the day, you have the opportunity to drive through the Mercato, which is said to be Africa’s largest open-air market. Rumor has it that you can bargain for anything, even a new soul! Time permitting, visit Churchill Street, known for its many curio shops selling traditional Ethiopian crafts and fine quality silver and cotton.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel

Day 2 :- Fly to Bahir Dar


Fly from Addis to Bahir Dar and visit the Blue Nile Falls before lunch. In the afternoon, enjoy a boat trip on Ethiopia’s largest water body – Lake Tana (3,600–Km Sq) to visit the island monasteries of Ura Kidane–Mihret (14th Century AD) and Azwa Mariam (14th Century AD).

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel

Day 3: Drive to Gondar


Drive from Bahir Dar to Gondar – the 17th century capital of Ethiopia. In the afternoon, visit the Imperial Castle Compound of Gondar (UNESCO World Heritage Site), the ‘Bath of Emperor Fasiladas’, the church of Quskuam Mariam (17th century AD), the residence of Empress Mintwab, and the church of Debre Birhan Sillassie which is famous for its wall and ceiling paintings.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel

Day 4 : Simien Mountains National Park


Drive from Gondar to Debark (the headquarter of the Simien Mountain National Park), and proceed 36 km farther to the Simien Mountains (UNESCO World Heritage Site) to view the endemic mammal of Ethiopia – the Gelada Baboon, and the breath-taking scenery of the Simien Mountains.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Lodge or Hotel

Day 5 : Axum


Drive to Axum – Continue on the rugged road for a full day’s drive to the fabled city of Axum via the lowlands of the Simien Mountains and Tekeze River gorge. Though this is a long journey, the spectacular views make time slide away. Arrive in the late afternoon with time to enjoy the beautiful sunset from the hotel terrace.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel

Day 6 :Axum


Have a sightseeing tour of Axum which includes visiting the Archaeological museum of Axum, the famous stele park (UNESCO World Heritage Site), the church of St. Mary of Zion which is believed to be the last resting place of the original Ark of the Covenant, the palace and tomb of King Kaleb and Gebre Meskel (6th Century AD) as well as the ruin palace of the Queen of Sheba (9th Century BC).

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel

Day 7 : Fly to Lalibela


In the morning, fly to Lalibela — home of the 12th century AD rock hewn churches of King Lalibela. In the afternoon you get to visit the first group of churches of King Lalibela (UNESCO World Heritage Site).

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel

Day 8 : Lalibela


In the morning, mule back ride to the hill top semi monolithic church of Asheton Mariam (12th century AD). Getting to the top of the hill rewards with great and unforgettable scenery of the area. In the afternoon, visit the remaining second and the third group of the churches of Lalibela.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel

Day 9: Fly to Addis Ababa and drive to Langano


Return to Addis Ababa by air in the morning. Continue the safari by road and drive 200 km south of Addis to the Great Rift Valley. the Lake Langano recreational areas, the Abiyatta Shalla lakes national Park attracts numerous visitors. It was created primarily for its aquatic bird life, particularly those that feed and breed on lakes Abiyatta and Shalla in Large numbers. Abiyatta is surrounded by gentle, grasscovered slopes and swathed in acacia woodlands. Shalla exudes a sense of mystery and foreboding, surrounded as it is by steep, black cliffs and peaks that reflect in its deep waters, which are liable to be whipped up by sudden storms and flurries of wind. It contains nine small, is located islands, rarely visited since there are no boats on the lake. These islands provide an excellent breeding ground for many bird species. Birdlife: Abijatta itself is very alkaline but shallow, so flamingoes can be seen scattered over most of its surface, and especially along the windward edge where their algal food source concentrates. You can approach quite closely, but beware of treacherous deep and mud if the lake is low. Large numbers of boat grater and lesser flamingoes gather here, together with great white pelicans and a host of other water birds. Wildlife From here you can see other parts of Lake Abiyatta and some mammal species, especially Grant’s gazelle, warthog and occasionally the Oribi.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel

Day 10 : Arba Minch


Drive from Langano to Arba Minch through the fertile land of Wolita and Alaba regions. The Alaba people are very famous for their beautiful home painting style. En- route visit Sinkile Wild life Sanctuary where you will see the endemic Swayne hartebeest and other mammals.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel or Lodge

Day 11 :Arba Minch


After breakfast drive to Chencha to visit Dorze village. The Dorze people are well known for the weaving tradition and their attractive elephant shaped traditional hut made from bamboo and false banana tree leafs. Here you will also see the daily activity of the Dorze people. Return to Arba Minch for lunch. In the afternoon you will take a boat ride on Lake Chamo, one of the Rift Valley Lakes. Visit the Crocodile Market where you can see large number of crocodiles, different aquatic birds and hippos.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel or Lodge

Day 12 : Key Afer Market – Jinka


Drive from Arba Minch to Jinka and make a stop at colourful Key After Thursday market where the Ari, the Tsemay and the Benna people meet.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel or Lodge

Day 13 : Mago National Park – Jinka


Make an excursion trip to Mago National Park. Visit the most famous people of the Omo Valley – the Mursi people, whose women are typically known for their clay lip plates they insert in their lower lips. Continue to Jinka to visit the cultural museum of the Omo people.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel or Lodge

Day 14: Dimeka Market – Turmi


Drive from Jinka to Dimeka to visit the Saturday market of the Hamer people. Continue to Turmi for overnight. Visit the cultural village of the Hamer people in the Turmi area. The Hamer people are famous for their typical hair dressings which the women decorate with red soil and butter.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel or Lodge

Day 15 : Omorate – Turmi


Today you are taken on an excursion to Omorate. You cross the Omo River by boat in order to visit the Dasenech people who are known for their body scarification. Spend the afternoon at leisure in Turmi.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel or Lodge

Day 16 – Turmi – Konso – Yabello


The safari continues by road from Turmi to Yabello where you will visit the Erbore people and the Konso people.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Motel

Day 17 : Yabello – Awassa


Drive from Yabello to Awassa to visit the nomadic Borena people and the Sidama people, who are noted for their cultivation of False Banana (Enset). Visit the coffee plantations around Yirga Chefe en- route where some of Ethiopia’s most flavoured coffee beans grow. Late afternoon you have time to enjoy bird watching and a sun set over the Rift Valley Lake of Awassa.

Meals: B,L,D

Overnight Hotel

Day 18: Return to Addis Ababa


You will go down to the shore of Lake Awassa this morning to view the ‘Fish Market’. Return to Addis Ababa by road (273 km). A half-day city tour of Addis Ababa is planned for the afternoon. Places you will visit on the tour include the National Archeological Museum of Addis Ababa, Merkato – the largest open-air market in Africa and a drive up Mt. Entoto (3,500 meters) for a panoramic view of the capital. This evening you will be treated to a fare well dinner party at one of the best traditional restaurants of Addis. You get to view traditional dances of the Ethiopian people and taste a variety of Ethiopian dishes.

Enquire for options to extend your stay with a Simien Mountain hike or other areas in Ethiopia, please enquire.

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirement

Date and Availability = All the year This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted according to your time, budget and interest. Price: , if you want quotation or any other tour information about this trip we are very happy to help. Request a quote

suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted

Trip Notes

Equipped with the best vehicles and driver Guide / upon request you will be escorted by expert guides /you are immersed in the ancient history, cultures, natural habitats and spiritually of this captivating country and its people. This itinerary can easily be modified as a custom trip and if your travel dates are  flexible we recommend visiting Ethiopia in conjunction with the colorful Timkat( epiphany ) and Gena( x-mass) festivals January 19 and 7 respectively.

Essential information 

Plan your trip

Getting around Ethiopia– flying- most short term visitors use internal flights in Ethiopia. There are reliable daily flights between most of the stops on the Northern Circuit (Addis, Gondar, Lalibella, Axum, Bahir Dar).

If you have more time, or delight in the joys of overland travel, we can provide you vehicles (4WD, minibus and coaster bus )

Road: The best way to experience the variety of scenery Ethiopia has to offer is travel by road.  Ethiopia’s road network has improved substantially in the past decade or so thanks to an extensive road maintenance program and  many roads are become an asphalt.

There are a several highways in Ethiopia, majority of the roads are in good condition:

The major roads leading out from Addis Ababa are tar-sealed, all-weather roads along all (or most of) their routes. Many minor roads are paved and traversing them can be comfortable.

 By car: -A good way to tour Ethiopia is by car. They can take you off the beaten track so you can see the beauty and attractions of Ethiopia.

We use reliable and well maintained Toyota Landcruisers, Buses and minibuses throughout the entirety of this tour and our drivers are chosen by us for their skills, their safety, their experience and their good nature. The main roads in Ethiopia are often newly tarmaced and facilitate comfort and efficiency. But this tour frequently goes off-piste to explore much more unusual areas, making the comfort and quality of our vehicles of utmost importance.

Vehicles /Transport:  During the course of your trip, we will use a variety of vehicles, all which are fit for purpose and the conditions encountered. We will be using a 4WD Toyota land cruiser, mini buses or coater buses depending on the condition of the road and the size of the group.

These land cruisers can accommodate four to five participants. Travelling in Ethiopia is a great adventure and needs much patience and flexibility. The quality of the bus is not always comparable with the standards that you are used to in the West

Travel documents (Passport and Visa requirements)

Your passport should be valid for at least 6 months after having left Ethiopia. Also keep in mind that your passport needs at least 2 consecutive blank pages. A photocopy of your passport is a great idea (keep it somewhere separate in your luggage).

At present, a visa is required for entry as a tourist into Ethiopia. You should apply to your nearest Ethiopian embassy . For some nationalities it’s possible to obtain a tourist visa on arrival into Addis Ababa airport, visitors will need to bring two recent passport-sized photographs. Please check the visa requirements for your country well in advance of travel as they can of course change at any moment.

Upon request we arrange visas for our travellers, or if an invitation letter is necessary then we will arrange this for you.

There are no mandatory vaccination requirements

Climate:- Ethiopia is generally pleasant and warm, but varies with altitude. The long rains usually arrive mid- June to early September. After the rains, the highlands of northern Ethiopia are usually green and thus particularly scenic. The temperature all year round rarely falls below 18°C. Night-time temperatures in the mountains can be cold and can drop below freezing at higher altitude.

 Temperature variations in the lowlands (Arba Minch, Konso,Turmi) are considerable (19 C – 30 C). Heavy rainfall occurs in most of the country during June, July, and August. However, average annual precipitation in the south is rare, erratic and a paltry 80 cm (30 in) per annum.

When to go –All year round

 Accommodation: Currently, Ethiopia is known for its fine  and luxurious hotels and Lodges . Reliable hot showers are generally speaking still a luxury and places with genuine charm are available. All accommodation throughout this tour is 2 -4 star  (comfortable hotels with en-suite facilities)accommodation is based on twin sharing but single supplements are not compulsory. If you prefer not to pay a single supplement we’ll pair you with someone else of the same sex for you to share with throughout the trip. Single rooms are available  (at an extra cost)   But these must be booked  and paid in Advance.

Food:  – Hotel meals are generally good and full of  variety. Local dishes tend to be very good if you like hot, spicy food although milder versions can be requested.

All food on trek is cooked for you and, although local produce can be a bit limited in the mountains, it is usually of a high standard. Vegetarians can be catered for, though you may find the diet somewhat limited. Clients who have specialist dietary requirements must contact us to discuss if they can be accommodated. you will have a private cook for your trek who will provide breakfast, packed lunch, tea and dinner each day. The food is great, and given most Westerners aversion to the Ethiopian staple Injurra, mostly of the Western variety. t bread and pancakes / eggs for breakfast, filling sandwiches for lunch, herbal teas, fantastic coffee and popcorn at the end of a long days trekking and then a massive meal to end the day with soup starter and a hearty main with plenty of veg to finish.

Small Rucksack/Daysac 

During the course of a trekking day, you do not have access to the luggage that is being carried for you by the porters. In any mountain region the weather can change rapidly and you must be equipped for this eventuality. Your daysac should, therefore, be large enough to carry the following: waterproofs, sweater, long trousers (if walking in shorts), warm hat and gloves, sun hat, sun cream, water bottle (at least 2litre), tissues and your packed lunch. Most people normally find that this adds up to about 2 to 3kg. Camera equipment can be heavy so think carefully when deciding what to take. Other optional items in a daysac might be binoculars, a diary or a book to read at lunch time. It is usually more comfortable to carry a slightly larger pack that is not full than to carry a small pack that is overfull or with ‘bits’ tied on the outside. Something between 20 and 25 litres capacity is probably the most suitable. A shoulder bag is not a practical alternative.

Plastic Bags

Luggage:- 15Kg

DifficultyThis tour is not strenuous. Visits to the markets, villages and different tribes are very sedate, calm and relaxed requiring no great levels of fitness. There is however a fair bit of driving on gravel roads.

Private groups: The adventures featured in our itinerary are just a starting point for many of our private group travellers. Working closely with our Groups Department we can organize custom designed itineraries for groups of friends, clubs, charity’s, schools or even work colleagues. Our team will assist you with all aspects of your private group adventure from itinerary design to group flights. For group traveller pledge considerable discount.

Customized tours: On request, this tour can be customized for small groups.

Proceeding / additional days: It’s no problem to add days before or after the expedition and we’ll book these for you. If you bring more time, you could do day trips from Addis or take an extension tour

Group booking discount: If at least 5 people together book this trip, 6% discount is given.

Please remember that all Nakutolab Ethiopia tour prices mean NO hidden extras, NO local payments.

Responsible tourism:-This trip is a great opportunity to see Ethiopian endemic species of Gelada.

The trip also gives employment and a market opportunity for the local shop owners, markets, restaurants, guides, scouts, mule hires, and many more. Also all the accommodations throughout your trip are owned and run by the members of the local community. Your needs associated with your travel will be served by the members of the community.

Adventure Rating
Comfort Grade
Fitness Level

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Historic Route, Semien Mountains and Omo Valley
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Trip Facts

  • NET 027
  • Air & Surface (4WD)
  • 1- 15 Participants
  • 18 days / 17 nights Any date departure