Wild Walk In Simien Mountains - 8 Days

Trekking the roof of Africa

Lalibela /Gondar/Addis Ababa/Semien Mountains /Addis Ababa

The Simien Mountains of northern Ethiopia are quite simply among the most spectacular sites the continent has to offer. Formed millions of years ago by river systems cutting through the sandstone rock, they are bounded on the north and east by a massive escarpment, in places over 1000 metres high, from which the views stretch endlessly over the vast plains towards Eritrea. At their foot are the remnants of ancient hills, now eroded into hundreds of pinnacles and buttresses. Aside from stunning scenery, the park is home to an impressive array of wildlife and because most of the walk is along the escarpment, the trek — though thoroughly impressive — is not overly technical. Add to this the cultural sites of Gonder and Lalibela (which together with the Simien Mountains makes 3 UNESCO World Heritage sites in a week!) and this trip is perfect for anyone with a passion for walking and culture, looking for a short holiday.

  • A spectacular trek through the Simien Mountains
  • The castles of Gonder
  • The rock-hewn churches of Lalibela
  • Enjoying the hospitality of the Ethiopian people

Day 1: Arrival in Addis Ababa– City tour


On your arrival, you will be welcomed by our staff then transfer to your hotel. The name of the capital city of Ethiopia in Amharic (the national language of Ethiopia) means “New flower”. Addis, which was founded in 1886 by Menelik II, is located at 2,500 meters above sea level in one of the highest parts of Entoto mountain chain (3,000 meters above sea level). It enjoys an excellent climate all year round, with an average temperature of 25ºC. Addis Ababa is a pleasant city with side avenues of jacaranda Trees, interesting museums and one of the largest open-air markets in Africa, known as the “Merkato”. It also has a good number of restaurants, hotels and discotheques.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 2: flight to Gondar – drive to Simien Mountains NP (SANKABER CAMP 3,200M)


We have an early start this morning as we fly from Addis to Gondar, in northern Ethiopia. On arrival we will meet our driver and depart for the Simien Mountains. Every journey of this Ethiopia tour into this mountainous wilderness is a photogenic wonder! The spectacular highlands of the Simien Mountains National Park offers a haven for endemic and endangered species .here are without a doubt the magnificent Waalia Ibex and incredible Gelada Baboon. These verdant moorlands encompass the largest single area of Afro-alpine habitat in the world, forming “an island of mountains in a sea of lowlands”.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Lodge or Camping

Days 3 : Simien Mountain National Park GEECH CAMP (3,600M)


The next two days of this Ethiopia tour will be spent exploring the legendary Simien Mountains and its unique inhabitants. In Simien Mountains National Park we will be presented with some of the most dramatic scenery in Africa — great volcanic plugs formed 40 million years ago and eroded over the eons into fantastic crags, pinnacles and flat-topped mountains, aptly described as “the chess pieces of the Gods”. Fissures in the dense basalt were carved by countless floods that poured into them, creating “bottomless” gorges and incising an incredible array of jagged rock formations reminiscent of America’s Grand Canyon and Namibia’s Fish River Canyon.

Amidst beautiful alpine meadows punctuated with Giant Lobelias and flowering “red hot pokers” (Kniphofia’s), we will find ourselves surrounded by massive troops of extremely well habituated and photogenic Gelada Baboons. At the same time we should be thrilled by the head-butting battles of Walia Ibex rams preparing for the forthcoming breeding season and spectacular Bearded Vultures cruise the thermals against a breathtaking backdrop of high wilderness peaks.

The Ibex is a form of mountain goat that sports a monstrous set of horns and inhabits the rugged rocky and grassy slopes of this seldom-visited region. Through habitat loss and hunting, their numbers decreased to between 200 and 250 individuals in the early 90’s. In recent years the numbers of these animals are on the up, mostly due to this area now declared as a wildlife protected area and a greater awareness created around their dismal future. Still, it is painfully obvious how much the cultivation within the national park has reduced the once available habitat of the native highland fauna.

Troops of Geladas up to four hundred strong thrive here, and we will spend quality time observing and photographing these unique and fascinating primates. With long woolly capes, tasseled tails, bare red chests and an arrogant swagger, these remaining relics of once widespread grass-eating baboons are now restricted to the highlands of Ethiopia. Geladas roost on the massive cliffs that dominate this park but spend their days hunched over the grasses that form the bulk of their diet. Despite sporting massive canines (the largest in proportion to body size of any mammal!), Geladas are non-aggressive and, with patience, we may find ourselves amongst a troop of these gentle animals as they concentrate on their foraging. Here we may be treated to a formidable lip-flip display — the imposing grimace put on by Geladas to reveal their impressive upper jaw and canines, but will more likely be completely ignored as they go about their daily business. Geladas are extremely vocal, being able to pronounce all nouns and five of our seven vowels!

Other attractions during this tour include superb opportunities to watch soaring birds, including the afore-mentioned Bearded Vulture, Tawny Eagle and the outrageous Thick-billed Raven, which often cruise by at eye level! Ethiopian Wolf may also be found parading around this beautiful landscape, although their numbers have suffered due to various diseases passed on from domestic dogs.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Lodge or Camping

Day 4 :Geech (3,600m) — Imet Gogo (3,926m) Innatye (4070m) – Chennek (3,600m)


Walking 8 hrs / 17km

After breakfast you’ll trek for 2 hours along the grass plateau past countless bizarre outsized Giant Lobelia plants. The destination is Imet Gogo, an incredible rocky promontory that grants 360 degree views over the Simien Range. At an altitude of 3,926m you can see West back along the ridge towards Sankaber and Geech and South East across a deep gully towards the tomorrow’s ridge walk to Inatye and Cheneck Camp. The views here are arguably the best in the Simien Mountains and the drop is terrifying. From Imet Gogo, you’ll detour SE towards Inatye. The path drops into a forest of Giant Hazel before following the ridge on open grassland. The climb to Inatye (4,070m) rewards with stunning views. Inatye roughly translates as “mamma mia” and the terrifying vertical drop here justly warrants the name! After a picnic lunch the path follows mostly downhill through open grassland and gian lobelia towards Chenek with a number of stunning viewpoints along the way. Chenek camp is superb for wildlife with both Gelada Baboons and Wallia Ibex common here.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Lodge or Camping

Day 5: Return to Gondar


After a short excursion or a relaxed morning simply enjoying the views, we will return to Gondar. This, the “Camelot of Ethiopia”, is a city noted for its many medieval castles and the design and decoration of its churches. Between 1632 and 1855 Gondar served as Ethiopia’s capital city and it remains one of the country’s richest areas in terms of culture, history and natural beauty, with plenty of both Islamic and Christian influence in the cities’ architecture. Built at around 2,500 metres above sea level, Gondar commands spectacular views over surrounding farmlands and on a clear day, even to the gleaming waters of Lake Tana 35 kilometres to the south.

We will spend the first portion of the afternoon exploring the Castle Complex (a UNESCO World Heritage site) with its impressive buildings. The oldest and most impressive structure is the two-story palace of Emperor Fasilidas, built of solid basalt stones. Some of the other royal buildings visited on this tour include the library of Emperor Yohannes I, the House of Song where royal ceremonies took place, the elegant reception and banquet hall of Emperor Bakaffa and the palace of this king’s wife.

Thereafter, we take some time to view the Church of Debre Birhan Selassie, an imposing structure with its harmony of brightly coloured ceilings completely covered with intricately painted angels, before ending off at the tranquil royal bath (more of swimming pool really!) of King Fasilidas .

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 6: flight to Lalibela


After breakfast, we will transfer to the airport and fly to Lalibela. Lalibela is home to the 12th century hand-carved rock churches of King Lalibela ,after whom the town is named.

Lalibela is truly an ancient world and includes 11 magnificent, medieval, rock-hewn churches, dimly lit passageways, and hidden crypts and grottoes carved into the red volcanic rock underlying this remote Ethiopian town and constructed almost a millennia ago by the Zagwe dynasty. Today that world still remains, frozen in stone, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

After lunch at the hotel we will begin an afternoon’s exploration at the first group of churches of Lalibela which are found northeast of a stream named ‘River Jordan’

The first groups of churches are:

  • The twin churches of Bete Debre Sina and Golgotha with Selassie Chapel
  • Bete Medhane Alem (the house of the Redeemer of the World)
  • Bete Mariam (the house of St. Mary)
  • Bete Meskel (the house of Cross)
  • Bete Danagil (the house of Virgins)

 Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 7: Lalibela — Asheten Mariam


In the morning we will take a mule ride to the hilltop semi-monolithic church of Asheten Mariam. This 13th century monastery is situated about 8 km from Lalibela and is built on a ridge at an altitude of 3150m. The steep road to this monastery with its breathtaking scenery is a truly rewarding experience. The viewpoint at the very top of the hill offers uninterrupted views over the surrounding countryside, including the town of Lalibela.

In the afternoon, we will visit and photograph the second and third group of Lalibela’s churches.

  • Bete Gabriel — Raphael (The house of Archangels)
  • Bete Mercurious (House of Mercurious)
  • Bete Lehem (the chapel of Bethlehem)
  • Bete Emanuel (the house of Emanuel)
  • Bete Aba Libanose (the house of Aba Libanose)
  • Bete Ghiorgis (the house of St. George)

The final church, Bete Ghiorgis is the most spectacular of all Lalibela’s churches.

Meals–Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight at Hotel

Day 8: Fly back to Addis Ababa ( Depart for Final Destination)


After breakfast we will transfer to the airport and fly back to Addis Ababa, where this incredible journey in the land of Abyssinia unfortunately comes to an end.

Depend on your arrival; you will have a short time shopping in a Grand Market called Merkato. After a fare well dinner party in a traditional restaurant & folklore house, you will be transferred to the Airport. End of the tour!!

Date and Availability = All the year This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted according to your time, budget and interest. Price: , if you want quotation or any other tour information about this trip we are very happy to help. Request a quote

suit your requirement and itinerary can be adjusted

Trip Notes:

January and September departures are scheduled to take advantage of local festivals, Timkat , Gena ,and Meskel respectively

Equipped with the best vehicles and driver Guide / upon request you will be escorted by expert guides /you are immersed in the ancient history, cultures, natural habitats and spiritually of this captivating country and its people. This itinerary can easily be modified as a custom trip and if your travel dates are  flexible we recommend visiting Ethiopia in conjunction with the colorful Timkat( epiphany ) and Gena( x-mass) festivals January 19 and 7 respectivel

Essential information

Plan your trip

Getting around Ethiopia: -Because of the state of the roads, the distances involved and the quality of the alternative (flying) most short term visitors use internal flights in Ethiopia. There are reliable daily flights between most of the stops on the Northern Circuit (Addis, Gondar, Lalibella, Axum, Bahir Dar).

If you have more time, or delight in the joys of overland travel, we can provide you vehicles (4WD, minibus and coaster bus )

When is best: The Ethiopian Tourist Board proudly promotes their slogan “13 months of sunshine” to anyone who will listen, but they are not far off the mark. The rainy season in the North is in July and August, but whilst that might stop you attempting a multi day trek in the Simien Mountains, it won’t really affect you if you are planning on touring the Northern Historical route. The best time to visit the North is in Autumn, after the rains when the mountains are full of lush green and the views are in impeded by haze.

When to go —September — June

Wild Camping & Hotels :On trek you’ll be camping in the offical park camp sites at Sankaber, Geech and Chenek. The sites are in beautiful spots and have been built sympathetically with seated drop toilets set well away from the camping area. The facilities are cleaned and tidied every day. You will be sleeping in 2 men tents (you can share or have a tent to yourself) and the crew will erect and take down your tent each day (as well as carrying your gear to the next camp-site). Overnight temperatures are cold at altitudes over 3,000m, so bring a 4 season sleeping bag. Tents will be erected by local staff members, who will also cook and wash up.

All of our group tours are planned and operated on a twin-share basis at standard hotel.

Eating & drinking:- Hotel meals are generally good although they can lack variety. Local dishes tend to be very good if you like hot, spicy food although milder versions can be requested. Local food is traditionally eaten with the hands. The sour bread known as injera is used as a scoop for the casserole dishes known as wat.

All food on trek is cooked for you and, although local produce can be a bit limited in the mountains, it is usually of a high standard. Vegetarians can be catered for, though you may find the diet somewhat limited. Clients who have specialist dietary requirements must contact us to discuss if they can be accommodated. you will have a private cook for your trek who will provide breakfast, packed lunch, tea and dinner each day. The food is great, and given most Westerners aversion to the Ethiopian staple Injurra, mostly of the Western variety. Expect bread and pancakes / eggs for breakfast, filling sandwiches for lunch, herbal teas, fantastic coffee and popcorn at the end of a long days trekking and then a massive meal to end the day with soup starter and a hearty main with plenty of veg to finish.

Transport to and from the Simien Mountains is in a 4wd vehicle. The drive to the mountains from Gonder is not the most comfortable in the world, it is dry, dusty and very bumpy.

You’ll be accompanied by an English speaking guide, chef and scout. Scout’s are complusory and carry rifles. It is worth noting that the guns are not really there for protection but are a cultural remnant of the role the scouts once played in protecting the area from bandits.

Private groups: The adventures featured in our itinerary are just a starting point for many of our private group travellers. Working closely with our Groups Department we can organize custom designed itineraries for groups of friends, clubs, charity’s, schools or even work colleagues. Our team will assist you with all aspects of your private group adventure from itinerary design to group flights. For group traveller pledge considerable discount.

Customized tours: On request, this tour can be customized for small groups.

Proceeding / additional days: It’s no problem to add days before or after the expedition and we’ll book these for you. If you bring more time, you could do day trips from Addis or take an extension tour

Group booking discount: If at least 5 people together book this trip, 6% discount is given.

Please remember that all Nakutolab Ethiopia tour prices mean NO hidden extras, NO local payments.

Preparing for your trip

Climate :- Ethiopia is generally pleasant and warm, but varies with altitude. The long rains usually arrive mid- June to early September. After the rains, the highlands of northern Ethiopia are usually green and thus particularly scenic. The temperature all year round rarely falls below 18°C. Night-time temperatures in the mountains can be cold and can drop below freezing at higher altitude. There is a strong risk of sunburn at high altitude in Ethiopia.

Maximum Altitude on Trek (m) :- 4620

Trekking Details :- Trek for 10 days for an average of 7 to 9 hours walking each day, mostly above 3000m. Maximum altitude is the summit of Ras Dashen, 4620 m. Mules carry all food, luggage and equipment. We have graded this trek as challenging.

Altitude Description:- In the Simien Mountains trekking is strenuous with 6-8 hrs a day walking on average, at altitudes of 3,000- 4,500m, though there are some longer days (including the ascent of Ras Dashen, 4,620m). There is very little flat walking involved. Your Guide will ensure that during your stay in the mountains you acclimatise enough before an ascent of Ras Dashen. At altitude you will find yourself moving slower than usual, but this gives an excellent opportunity to admire the spectacular views.

Please note this trip goes to an altitude where there is a risk of being affected by Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), a common and usually harmless condition caused by reduced air pressure and a lower concentration of oxygen. Whilst the itinerary has been specifically designed to allow your body to acclimatise gradually, the speed of onset and severity – as well as the height at which AMS develops can vary greatly between individuals; being physically fit affords no special protection. If symptoms occur while on tour you must let your Guide know immediately.


Sleeping Bag As you do not carry it yourself this may be down or synthetic, but it must be 4-season (temperature -8°C to -5°C). A cotton liner helps to keep your bag clean.

Sleeping Mat Regular sleeping mats will be provided but if you would prefer an inflatable thermarest style you will need to bring your own.

Walking poles are recommended.

Water Bottlem, water along the trail must never be considered as drinkable. Take at least a 2 liters personal water bottle, preferably insulated.

Energy snacks, including chocolate and sweets, are also recommended whilst on trek.

Sunglasses/Snow Goggles A good pair of sunglasses are essential for protection against UV rays and glare at high altitudes.

Sun Hat, High Factor Sun Cream/Block & Lip Salve Choose a high factor suncream (Factor 15 or more) to protect your skin against the sun at high altitudes. A combination sunblock/ lipsalve is ideal for facial protection.

Torch/Batteries/Bulb A small torch is essential for finding things at night. Often a head torch is useful for the early ascent to the summit. Remember to bring some spare batteries.

Toiletries Keep heavy cosmetics to a minimum. Essentials are toothbrush/paste, soap (preferably biodegradable), small towel. Wet wipes are great for a quick clean up, so bring a pack of those.


Walking Boots

Probably the trickiest part of all. We strongly recommend walking in good boots. Trainers, or shoes of a similar ilk simply do not give the ankle support afforded by a decent pair of boots. Many people now trek in the lighter weight Goretex or leather boots They have the advantage that they take little breaking in. The slightly heavier traditional leather walking boots are also good. Avoid the types often found in high street shoe shops which are simply cheap trainers with a higher canvas side sewn on — they give little support and will probably not last the trek. Above all, your boots must be well broken in and comfortable.

Trainers or Trekking sandals

Useful around the villages and when travelling.



It is best to wear a pair of liner socks under a pair of fairly thick loop stitch socks. This helps to protect your feet against blisters. Avoid nylon socks, they are abrasive, don’t breathe well and can cause blisters.


After sunset, temperatures can fall below freezing. A very warm jacket is the most convenient way of keeping warm when the temperature drops.


Breathable waterproofs made from material such as Goretex not only protects against rain and wind but also stops you from overheating. They breathe and avoid condensation that you will experience from nylon waterproofs.

Long Trousers

For everyday walking, light cotton trousers are the most suitable. Jeans are not recommended as they are often difficult to walk in over longer distances and become cumbersome when wet.

Thick jumper/fleece jacket

A thick jumper or fleece jacket is necessary as nights can be very cold at altitude. Make sure that your waterproof jacket is loose enough to wear over your sweater or fleece.

Track suit

Comfortable around the villages and much more practical (and warmer) to sleep in than pyjamas. Alternatively, thermal underwear is good.


Shorts can be very comfortable to walk in but you must carry long trousers with you in case you get either sunburned or cold. Follow your tour leaders advice on local sensitivities to wearing shorts during the trek.


Especially useful in the morning and in the evening at higher altitudes. Also bring a scarf to cover your face from the dust during the day and a warm hat/balaclava.


There will be swimming opportunities during the trek

Luggage: On Tour

A kitbag/barrel bag carried by mules on trek, a stuff-sack to store surplus belongings while on trek and a daysac. Pack mules are used to carry equipment, food and most personal gear. Pack heavy/dense items into your kitbag.

Trek Kit Bag

Before leaving Gondar there is plenty of time to re-sort luggage into what you need on trek and what can be left in Gondar. Think about what you are taking on trek (remember your sleeping bag) and then think how big your kit bag needs to be. A nylon or canvas bag with a zip along the top is also suitable. Whatever you choose, it must be strong, as porters are not very gentle with baggage. Soft luggage is preferable! Framed rucksacks are unsuitable. The weight limit for the bag and its contents is 15kg but you will probably find that you do not need this much. Please note there are occasional opportunities to hand wash clothing whilst on the trek.

Small Rucksack/Daysac

During the course of a trekking day, you do not have access to the luggage that is being carried for you by the porters. In any mountain region the weather can change rapidly and you must be equipped for this eventuality. Your daysac should, therefore, be large enough to carry the following: waterproofs, sweater, long trousers (if walking in shorts), warm hat and gloves, sun hat, sun cream, water bottle (at least 2litre), tissues and your packed lunch. Most people normally find that this adds up to about 2 to 3kg. Camera equipment can be heavy so think carefully when deciding what to take. Other optional items in a daysac might be binoculars, a diary or a book to read at lunch time. It is usually more comfortable to carry a slightly larger pack that is not full than to carry a small pack that is overfull or with ‘bits’ tied on the outside. Something between 20 and 25 litres capacity is probably the most suitable. A shoulder bag is not a practical alternative.

Plastic Bags

Luggage:- 15Kg

Fitness – You don’t need to be especially fit to join the trips , but there will be stairs to climb, hills to walk and sites to explore, so you’ll enjoy it more if you have a reasonable level of fitness. The walk up Erta Ale takes around 4-5 hours and your luggage will be transported by camels.

Adventure Rating
Comfort Grade
Fitness Level

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Wild Walk In Simien Mountains
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Trip Facts

  • NET 002
  • Air
  • 1- 15 Participants
  • 8 days / 7 night Any date departure